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OzeArv & Sandeman

Rooted tradition, blooming innovation

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The long and enduring life of a historic brand like Sandeman derives from its awareness of the constant technological advances. Most recently, there is an innovation that has been a subject of heated debate, admiration for its unmeasurable capacities and an eerie sense of caution – Artificial Intelligence.

One of the main questions is about artistic creation and authorship since artists now have to face a technology that can produce, in a matter of seconds, thousands of artworks, some of them even copying the styles of established creators. It’s unknown what role AI - Artificial Intelligence - will play in the art scene, but one thing that Sandeman holds, as a herald for the arts, it’s the never changing pure awe for a human-made piece of art.

We invited OzeArv to express his interpretation of the future relationship between human and machine, presenting an answer to the question – Human & AI: friends or foes?
Inspired by the multiple sensations incited by tasting a glass of Sandeman Port, OzeArv relies on the history of the brand and grows from there, spreading like a family tree, projecting an optimistic future where human and artificial coexist harmoniously.

06 Sessao Sandeman Arts Trat Edit 1

"Synergies of a Family Tree"

Tasting a Sandeman Port transports us to a story that began in the Douro and the vine, growing in size and embracing the brand's various manifestations, resembling a family tree.

The profusion of aromas revealed when smelling a Sandeman Port, reflects the mechanics of Artificial Intelligence that fuses multiple pieces of information into a single result. With this constant interaction between the machine and the human being, the family tree develops exponentially.

The female figure is represented with elegance, capturing the essence of enjoying Sandeman Port. The Don appears as a tattoo on her arm, symbolizing the fusion between the brand's heritage and the individual experience of tasting this unique wine. The female person thus embodies the harmony between tradition and innovation, highlighting the relevance of the connections between Port Wine and Artificial Intelligence.

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The composition reveals that the integration between tradition and innovation can result in significant advances for the Port Wine sector, expanding the range of possibilities and connections in the brand's family tree. It reflects a profound and inspiring approach, representing the synergy between Port Wine and Artificial Intelligence, piquing the viewer's interest and evoking a broader appreciation of the complexities and potentials of this union.

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Based in Lisbon, OzeArv seeks to express creativity in paintings, canvases, cards, Augmented Reality photographs and other media, using contrasting colors and gradient patterns to convey the beauty of natural elements.



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His style, an amalgamation of urban aesthetics, encourages the viewer to delve into his highly creative interpretations of humanity. Each work of art awakens a new vivid and captivating encounter of different mediums.

OzeArv work is definitely worth a closer look, and you can find it here.



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